Category: Ruby

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.

Development with iRuby using Jupyter

The Jupyter Notebook is a common go-to in the Python world. Did you know you could use Jupyter to test code in other languages as well? Today we’ll cover development with iRuby, a Ruby kernel for the Jupyter iPython system.

Foundation 6 with Webpack using Sass

Using Foundation 6 with Webpack is not a simple task, and when you introducing sass makes it worse. Most issues come from how Foundation deals with includes, but there are workarounds.

RubyMine for Ruby on Rails

When working with JavaScript, I found myself moving from ViM, to Atom, to Brackets, and finally to VSCode. While VSCode is still my go-to for all JavaScript awesomeness, and then starting to use it for Ruby I thought I had an overall winner. While you will find me nose-deep in VSCode working with Ruby alone, …


The Atom Editor IDE and Package Addons

Since I started programming again, I’ve have grown very close to the Atom editor, and for very good reason. Not only is it light-weight, compact, it has the ability to be customized completely! As for functionality, there are many editor options, a lot being similar to Sublime, but even more specific to Atom. Of course …