Category: React-Native

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.


Testing IAP On iOS

In App Purchases is a great way to generate income in your apps, and when working with payments it is incredibly important that you test them extensively. When working with iOS, the way your IAP work and respond can keep your app build from being accepted for release. Let’s look at how to setup a …

Renaming React-Native Apps

Changing the name in a React-Native app, isn’t all that straight-forward. To be completely honest, renaming React-Native apps has been discouraged, so the common suggestion has been to simply make a new app with the correct name, then migrating your code. As someone who has never felt this was a true solution, I wanted to …

React Native Admob

Using React Native Admob to Include Ads

I can be awkward including ads into your react-native app for the first time. Using react-native-admob can make this a simple process, but there are some difficulties that come with it. We will go over the process, and how you can test your ads.

react redux

Getting Started with Redux: Part 3 – Refactoring

Now that we have a working Redux app now, we should start looking at ways we can optimize our code, as well as take full advantage of redux. In this last part of getting started with redux, we will cover how to take advantage of asynchronous actions, DRYing up our code, and controlling and accessing …

react redux

The Redux App – Getting Started with Redux: Part 2

Now that we have an understanding of what benefits we get from redux, we want to see how Redux works. So we are going to go ahead and make a redux app. We will also look at each object’s role, and how they work in redux. In the process we also look at the different …

react redux

Getting Started with Redux: Part 1

Many articles tend to be focused around redux being a part of the app’s foundation. For anyone getting started with redux, I would love to give new-comers a great place to start. In this 3 part guide, we cover the react/redux concept, practices, and application. Will will also add Redux to an existing React app, …

react redux

Using React-Native Calendar Events

The React-Native Calendar Events module is great for giving your React Native apps access to the OS calendar and its events. It’s also great for creating your own intricate events easily. If there was ever an amazing React-Native module that lacked opening documentation, it would definitely be this one. For new users it is a …

react redux

React Native On Android Without Issue

Building apps for mobile can often cause issues. Using a react-native setup can make it easier, but adding Android support can add different problems. All you need has been compiled into this article, explaining as we go. We will cover the process, errors, issues, as well as how to build react-native Android apps.