Month: August 2009

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.


Postfix Too Many Hops with Spamassassin

I’ve noticed a lot of people have had an issue with the Postfix “Too Many Hops” error. I ran into the same issue, with my Postfix Spamassassin setup. Postfix is a beast, and tweaking is often needed to keep it working smooth.


Mysql Backup and Restore

After getting MySQL up and running, you may want to start backing it up. I’ll briefly talk about backing up and restoring your MySQL databases.


SSH Keys – SSH Without a Password

Even though this isn’t anything new it’s always good to know how to create SSH Keys for remote logins, and also have a reference in case you forget how to set it up. I use it with the utmost sense of security. I will use it for scheduled backups, and the keys always hidden, with …