Category: NodeJS

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.


S3 Uploads in NodeJS

Uploading files to S3 using the AWS-SDK is fairly straightforward. Still, I found there are very few examples to show this with S3’s upload SDK. Of course with S3 uploads, we also want to look at how to track progress, as well as how to cancel our uploads. So in this article I’m going to …

electron ipc system

Window to Window Communication in Electron

In Electron, it is certainly easy to create a multi-window application app in Electron, but what if you want to communicate between these windows? While we run into a restriction in the Chrome V8 Engine, that requires us to avoid remote code execution, there is a great way to accomplish window-to-window communication in Electron. We …


Material UI Themes in React

An additional theme being added to your app, not only adds character to your application, but can also increase accessibility to app. While the Material-UI documentation hasn’t always been clear on how to accomplish this, it’s actually an easy system to become accustom to. We’ll quickly go over how to implement themes and how to …

electron ipc system

Writing Complete Apps in Electron

Electron has been a common go-to framework for developing desktop applications, and in that time there have been many unexpected nuances. Many developers would find these issues, and then abruptly move away from Electron because of it. So we will discuss everything you need to write your apps in Electron, as well as show you …

Foundation 6 with Webpack using Sass

Using Foundation 6 with Webpack is not a simple task, and when you introducing sass makes it worse. Most issues come from how Foundation deals with includes, but there are workarounds.

react redux

Using Redux Sagas with Optimal Design Patterns

The one thing that was always an issue for me when it came to Redux, were Thunks. Sure, Thunks are great, and they have their place, but did you know you could replace them with something much more functional? Even though everywhere you look you see thunks, if you look around, even at Dan Abramov’s …


The Atom Editor IDE and Package Addons

Since I started programming again, I’ve have grown very close to the Atom editor, and for very good reason. Not only is it light-weight, compact, it has the ability to be customized completely! As for functionality, there are many editor options, a lot being similar to Sublime, but even more specific to Atom. Of course …