Tag: material-ui

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.

MUI Templates

Getting started with a new framework is sometimes difficult. When working framework upgrades, it’s easier to test through an online editor like CodeSandBox. In the process I like to make it easier for others by providing templates showing off new features. These make for easy to copy projects, avoiding boilerplates. These are Redux, React, and …


MUI v5 with Emotion

Since the long-awaited release of MUI v5 (Material-UI), a lot has changed, and the migration comes with its own codemod to help make this process easier. The migration guide also focuses on how to ease your app into MUI v5, but by transitioning your into using MUI v5 in a v4-type of way. In this …


Material UI Themes in React

An additional theme being added to your app, not only adds character to your application, but can also increase accessibility to app. While the Material-UI documentation hasn’t always been clear on how to accomplish this, it’s actually an easy system to become accustom to. We’ll quickly go over how to implement themes and how to …