Tag: Redux

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.

building Barista

Developing a Cloud Rendering Platform

Developing a full-scale platform can be a daunting task. What language is best for your needs, and what services should make up this platform? At what point should you justify a release, and what features should you save for future versions? If your platform is a solo project, what should you do to keep maintenance …


S3 Uploads in NodeJS

Uploading files to S3 using the AWS-SDK is fairly straightforward. Still, I found there are very few examples to show this with S3’s upload SDK. Of course with S3 uploads, we also want to look at how to track progress, as well as how to cancel our uploads. So in this article I’m going to …

MUI Templates

Getting started with a new framework is sometimes difficult. When working framework upgrades, it’s easier to test through an online editor like CodeSandBox. In the process I like to make it easier for others by providing templates showing off new features. These make for easy to copy projects, avoiding boilerplates. These are Redux, React, and …


MUI v5 with Emotion

Since the long-awaited release of MUI v5 (Material-UI), a lot has changed, and the migration comes with its own codemod to help make this process easier. The migration guide also focuses on how to ease your app into MUI v5, but by transitioning your into using MUI v5 in a v4-type of way. In this …

react redux

Getting Started with Redux: Part 3 – Refactoring

Now that we have a working Redux app now, we should start looking at ways we can optimize our code, as well as take full advantage of redux. In this last part of getting started with redux, we will cover how to take advantage of asynchronous actions, DRYing up our code, and controlling and accessing …

react redux

The Redux App – Getting Started with Redux: Part 2

Now that we have an understanding of what benefits we get from redux, we want to see how Redux works. So we are going to go ahead and make a redux app. We will also look at each object’s role, and how they work in redux. In the process we also look at the different …

react redux

Getting Started with Redux: Part 1

Many articles tend to be focused around redux being a part of the app’s foundation. For anyone getting started with redux, I would love to give new-comers a great place to start. In this 3 part guide, we cover the react/redux concept, practices, and application. Will will also add Redux to an existing React app, …

react redux

Using ssh2 in React and Redux Application

When you need SSH connectivity within your JavaScript app, ssh2 is the best choice available. If you are using SSH2 with React and Redux, how can you make sure you always get a success, or a failure? Looking at the documentation, it is not that obvious. So let’s take a look at how to use …