Tag: React

We create open-source because we love it, and we share our finding so everyone else can benefit as well.

electron ipc system

Window to Window Messaging with @electron/remote

In a previous article, I covered how to accomplish Window to Window Communication in Electron with a message passing system. Since Electron 14 removed the remote module, this system will not work in older versions. So in this article we will discuss how to upgrade this window to window messaging system to use @electron/remote.

building Barista

Developing a Cloud Rendering Platform

Developing a full-scale platform can be a daunting task. What language is best for your needs, and what services should make up this platform? At what point should you justify a release, and what features should you save for future versions? If your platform is a solo project, what should you do to keep maintenance …

emotion js react

Styling with Emotion JS

JSS came along as an easy answer to dynamic CSS, and offering CSS properties as their own camel-cased properties. While JSS requires the CSS user to change some practices, it works quite well. Emotion takes this a bit further allowing for raw CSS styling, but also allowing you to create dynamic styles. Emotion’s styling system …


Testing IAP On iOS

In App Purchases is a great way to generate income in your apps, and when working with payments it is incredibly important that you test them extensively. When working with iOS, the way your IAP work and respond can keep your app build from being accepted for release. Let’s look at how to setup a …


S3 Uploads in NodeJS

Uploading files to S3 using the AWS-SDK is fairly straightforward. Still, I found there are very few examples to show this with S3’s upload SDK. Of course with S3 uploads, we also want to look at how to track progress, as well as how to cancel our uploads. So in this article I’m going to …


MUI Themes Fully-Featured with MUI v5

I’ve already covered how to add a theme to Material-UI version 4, but what about MUI Themes? With v5 we have a lot of new features to make theming a lot easier, and we also ended up with a whole new override system. If there is a great reason to move to v5, it would …

transition link page transition demo

Page Transitions in Gatsby with TransitionLink

When you want your apps and sites to look as great as possible, animations are a key addition to really make it shine. With any app that utilizes routing, you can use the Transition Link library to add page transitions into your links. So let’s look at how to add these animations to a new …


MUI v5 with Emotion

Since the long-awaited release of MUI v5 (Material-UI), a lot has changed, and the migration comes with its own codemod to help make this process easier. The migration guide also focuses on how to ease your app into MUI v5, but by transitioning your into using MUI v5 in a v4-type of way. In this …

React Animations with React Transition Group

When the time comes to add the polish to your apps, animations cannot often be overlooked. Even simple animations make a world of difference in your app’s presentation. We will take a look at how to quickly add transition animations using react-transition-group.


Material UI Themes in React

An additional theme being added to your app, not only adds character to your application, but can also increase accessibility to app. While the Material-UI documentation hasn’t always been clear on how to accomplish this, it’s actually an easy system to become accustom to. We’ll quickly go over how to implement themes and how to …